Innovate Ethically with Data & AI



Schlagworte zu diesem Event:   technology

Develop the knowledge and skills to build a AI products that are ethical and efficient. Learn to make informed decisions regarding AI adoption, identify opportunities for AI utilization, develop effective AI strategies, and implement your own AI solutions.

In depth knowledge of the ethical and social ramifications of AI, will ensure your expertise with responsible AI practices.

As one of the fastest-growing industries, GreenTech is shaping the future, and this program equips you to lead sustainability agendas and develop impactful solutions.


Impact Certificate 

  • Duration: 9 Weeks 
  • Format: Online 
  • ECTS: 15 
  • Weekly Commitment: Approximately 10h 
  • Schedule: 1 Session/Week
  • Evaluation: Project Based


Target Group 

  • Tech entrepreneurs aiming to launch AI startups with a focus on ethical practices and sustainability.
  • Product managers in tech companies looking to incorporate AI solutions responsibly within their products.
  • Data scientists interested in understanding the ethical implications of AI and developing responsible AI strategies.
  • Sustainability officers seeking to integrate AI and GreenTech innovations to advance their company's sustainability agenda


Data Products

Uncover the potential of Data Science techniques in creating valuable data-driven products. Explore the concept of Data Products, their diverse applications, and delve into the design and execution of data science projects. You will define and develop your own minimum viable Data Product, applying your newfound knowledge in real-world scenarios.


Data Solutions

Recognize that working with data serves a greater purpose: solving real-world problems. You will explore advanced techniques in statistical and machine learning to enhance your data solutions, crafting a refined iteration of your minimum viable Data Product.


Ethics & Economics of Data & AI

Immerse yourself in essential ethics concepts crucial for building AI systems that benefit humanity. Through a scenario featuring an emerging fintech, you will assess the implications and risks of AI implementation in the lending industry, aligning your analysis with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and upcoming AI regulations.



  • Prototype Data Products
  • Create Data Solutions
  • Asses Data & AI Risks
  • Mitigate Risks through ethics

Wann und wo?


Ort: Online

Prototype Data Products, Create Data Solutions, Asses Data & AI Risks, Mitigate Risks through ethics

Preis: €1,950.00

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