
Vorgestellt: MSc in International Sustainability Management

Your career makes a difference: this two-campus Master of Science (MSc) will lead you to an international career in Sustainability Management.

Your career makes a difference: this two-campus Master of Science (MSc) will lead you to an international career in Sustainability Management.


The Master in International Sustainability Management Programme has a strong international dimension: participants study at ESCP Europe in Berlin and Paris and benefit from ESCP Europe’s global faculty, an international classroom and a worldwide corporate network. Through full modules on company-specific issues such as sustainability culture, supply chains or CSR reporting, students will gain a broad knowledge on all fields of sustainability management. The Programme gives students the chance to build business links, as ESCP Europe has strong partnerships with leading international companies. Company consultancy projects, internships and career days help students to build their own corporate network. In addition, foreign language courses and an engaged career service support their personal and professional development during the two years.

After completing the MSc, a great selection of career options is waiting for the graduates: sustainability professionals work in "green" companies, such as in the energy, technological, food, clothing or cosmetics industries, or in certification agencies. They are motivated to rethink traditional structures and work in strategic or sustainability departments, in marketing departments, consultancies, green governance or for NGOs. They also very often found their own innovative start-ups or become social entrepreneurs.

ESCP Europe has its own research centre on issues of sustainability: "Business and Society – Towards a Sustainable World" (SustBusy). It is the result of international cooperation between 15 ESCP Europe members and offers high potential for synergies. Its office is located at the Department of Environment and Economics in Berlin and has been founded under the scientific direction of Prof. Dr. Sylvie Geisendorf.

Further information

ESCP Europe Campus Berlin
Jessica Thater, Programme Manager
Telefon: +49 (0)30 32007 102



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